Case Study / Brand Design / Designing a smart cleaning brand

Emotional Architecture

A case study – My story of how I designed FeelGood@ café’s brand by infusing spaces with emotional resonance, transforming mere surroundings into immersive experiences that uplift and inspire.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, a group of industry stalwarts in the Indian Facility Management sector smell an opportunity to revolutionize the cleaning industry by merging premium cleaning products with world-class services and cutting-edge IoT and AI technologies.

This vision culminated in the birth of Zuver, a signature brand aimed at seamlessly integrating technology and service excellence in the cleaning industry.

The Origin of FeelGood@

The genesis of FeelGood@ can be traced back to a fundamental philosophy that resonates deeply with a core belief: “We are, what we eat.” This philosophy underscores the profound connection between what we consume and how we feel, emphasizing the transformative power of nourishing our bodies with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods.

Inspired by this philosophy, the name FeelGood@ emerged, encapsulating the essence of brand’s mission to uplift, inspire, and nourish both body and soul. By choosing to incorporate the “@” symbol into the name, I sought to embrace the digital age while maintaining a sense of accessibility and inclusivity.

In extending FeelGood@ to multiple locations, I wanted to ensure that each branch’s name not only reflects its geographical location but also embodies the inclusive and accessible spirit of the brand. Thus, FeelGood@NY in New York City and FeelGood@London in the vibrant city of London are more than just names; they symbolize our commitment to bringing wellness to diverse communities around the world, one location at a time.

Moreover, the name FeelGood@ serves as a testament to the commitment to emotional resonance and holistic well-being. It reflects the belief that true wellness extends beyond the physical realm, encompassing the intricate interplay of mind, body, and spirit.

The story of “I’m Feeling” as we explore the depths of human emotions and create personalized experiences that celebrate the rich tapestry of feelings that define us as individuals.

Brand Identity

FeelGood@ embodies a fusion of wellness and emotional resonance, encapsulated in its name and reflected throughout its identity. The brand name itself, with its playful yet reassuring tone, conveys the promise of a positive emotional experience. Building on this foundation, the brand personality radiates warmth, sincerity, and vitality, inviting patrons to embark on a journey of holistic well-being.

Café Interior Design

The café’s interior design serves as a canvas for emotional exploration, seamlessly blending functionality with aesthetics. Each element within the space is meticulously curated to evoke one of the ten chosen emotions, ranging from the whimsical allure of “Seriocomic” to the tranquil embrace of “Nikhedonia.” Through a harmonious interplay of colors, textures, and spatial arrangements, FeelGood@ creates an immersive environment where patrons can connect with their innermost feelings while savoring wholesome delights.

Logo Design

The logo of FeelGood@ serves as a visual anchor, encapsulating the essence of the brand in a single emblem. Drawing inspiration from the natural world and the symbiotic relationship between humans and probiotics, the logo intertwines organic forms with dynamic typography, symbolizing vitality, harmony, and growth. Its vibrant color palette further reinforces the brand’s uplifting ethos, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter it.

Packaging Design

The packaging design of FeelGood@ reflects a commitment to sustainability, functionality, and aesthetics. Utilizing eco-friendly materials and minimalist design principles, each package is a testament to the brand’s dedication to holistic well-being. Vibrant illustrations and uplifting messages adorn the packaging, serving as a visual reminder of the emotional journey that awaits within.

Brand Story

At the heart of FeelGood@ lies a compelling brand story, woven from the threads of human emotions and shared experiences. Through immersive storytelling and interactive experiences, patrons are invited to explore the depths of their emotions and embrace the joy of living well. Central to this narrative are the “I’m Feeling” programs, which offer personalized experiences tailored to one of the ten emotions, ranging from playful games to mindfulness exercises.

Engaging Programs and Games

In addition to the “I’m Feeling” programs, FeelGood@ offers a variety of engaging games and activities designed to foster connection and self-discovery. From trivia nights centered around the ten emotions to interactive workshops on emotional intelligence, each experience is crafted to delight, inspire, and uplift. By infusing every interaction with a sense of joy and authenticity, FeelGood@ creates lasting memories and loyal patrons.

Design, Creativity &

Concepts, Brand Identity, Logo Design, Brand Guidelines, Brand Strategy, Design System, Brochure Design, Packaging Design, Investor Deck, Report Design, Content Creation, Infographic, Book Cover Design

Technology &
Web Development

Website Design, WordPress Elementor Pro Website, Webflow Website, Framer Website, WordPress Website Performance Optimization, WordPress Website Maintenance

Strategy, UX &

Product Design, Digital Strategy, User Research, Information Architecture, Wireframing, Search Engine Optimization (On-Page)

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